Taj Khajana held a fashion show focussing on the famous Pochampally weaves but with a difference. They Showcased designer collection of Pochampally weave on Taj Mahal Place,Mumbai. Reputed Designer Rahul Mishra had created a subtle designs Ikat designs. This is the great empowerment for the Indian weavers, especially Pochampally people. Hope more designers could come up with showcasing Indain fabrics on the ramp.
The collection put together by fashion designer Rahul Mishra and displayed by models sought to recreate the richness and feel of the ancient Han-Atlas fabric, a multi-hued hand woven and hand dyed Ikkat fabric of early 19th century of central Asia. This is stated to be once popular with traders on the silk route and stood as a symbol of luxury and power.
Ikkat, which means binding from Pochampally, a small village near here know for its silken weaves, has a traditionally geometric design approach. In this collection, the craft has been re-interpreted in a neo graphic manner reanimating traditional motifs such as leaves, flowers, blossoming buds and peacocks.
He worked with the artisans for nearly six months, researched the craft and says, “One is used to seeing traditional geometric patterns in Pochampally. But we used motifs like leaves, flowers, buds and peacocks.
The use of flowers on white fabric looks so subtle and beautiful but required the highest degree of skill from the weavers. Ikat involves so much detailing in the yarn.” Rahul's interest in crafts harks back to his humble beginnings. Born in Malhausi village near Kanpur, he did his bachelors degree in Physics from the Kanpur University before doing his masters at the National Institute of Design. He won the student of the year award at NID, which earned him a scholarship to Istituto Marangoni, Milan. The exposure opened his world to European fashion but Rahul found his calling in Indian weaves. “I started my journey with Kerala weaves, including the set mundu, and then worked on Banarasi, Maheshwari and Chanderi collections. It's a pan-Indian journey,” he smile
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ReplyDeleteIntelligent designer so making a beautiful dress. i like it now:
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!
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